FIXION is a comprehensive system meant to facilitate both ACL and PCL plasties through Kenneth-Jones or semitendinous-gracilis autograft techniques.
The system is based on a unique and complete instrument set which includes a graft tensionning table, ACL and PCL guides, and strippers among others.
The FIXION implants can be combined with one another so as to adapt to the dedicated technique of the surgeon: interference screws, endo-button, ans staples.
Interference screws:
- composite of D & L lactic acid, bioabsorbable and biocompatible
- progressive resorption with no cristalline residues
- diameters from 6 to 11mm, lengths 20 to 30mm, 13 sizes
- soft thread armless to the graft and the sutures
- canulated screws on nitinol wire supplied with the instrument set
- “star” shaped screwdriver recess on 4/5 of the screw length
- loop made of PET and threads made of polyesther
- 5 lengths of plate: from 15 to 35mm
- titanium plate with rounded angles to prevent chaffing of the loop and threads
- traction resistance validaded above 547N
- made of cobalt-chromium
- 2 widths: 8 and 11mm
- internal spikes for graft stability
- direct impaction into bone, no necessary preparation